Judging you’re reading this I will assume you have a live website and you have common website issues in 2024. Congrats to you!
It’s been a while since your last website upgrade, you’re probably wondering how do you fix the long standing issues you’re having and what to pay attention to for the new one.
Sadly, you’re also looking to read why should you already create a new website, which means you’re not completely satisfied with how your current one turned out.
Here’s the deal, through history agencies and individuals managed to create a new website a ton of times, some for the better, some for the worse.
It’s challenging to find an agency which can build something that will last and doesn’t cost a fortune for you, especially when you have no idea how to monetize it.
While explaining about the signs which you should pay attention for before you decide to create a new website I’ll also include questions which you should ask yourself along the way as well as call to action for you to get in touch with me in order to help you.
Table of Contents
Web & social checkup
We’ll provide an actionable report on how your business is situated on the internet right now and what you can do to improve it.
Challenge #1 It only works on big screens.
A common issue that a lot of websites have, is when they create a new website; their website works only on bigger screens.
What I mean by that is that website will look “okay” and work “okay” only if you’re on a bigger screen, soon as you size it down to a tablet or a mobile, whole layout moves all around the place and sometimes you can not even have a functional page.
That issue is called “responsiveness”.
Responsiveness means your website will work and look the same from the biggest to the smallest screens. Here is an example that you should avoid:

Mobile view of the website – iPhone 14 Pro Max
Mobile view of the website above is totally un-usable. Having a user friendly mobile view of the website is essential in 2024 as majority of searches and purchases are done exactly through the mobile.

Desktop view of the website – Macbook Air M2
Desktop view of the website shows too much content on a very narrow width. While you can distinctively color parts of content differently still putting too much in a box makes it harder to find or understand your website content.
Here’s an example that you should follow:

Mobile view of the website – iPhone 14 Pro Max

Desktop view of the website – Macbook Air M2
Make a distinctive difference between functional and pretty and you’ll be a step closer to see do you want to create a new website. Keep in mind that majority of world population is still using outdated mobile phones which can not handle your fancy animations.
Save user’s mobile data by having accurate and functional content making it easier and faster to navigate and making sure they either end up signing as a lead or as a customer. Before you think should I create a new website, make sure you have a reason why you are doing it.
Challenge #2 Load Times.
That feeling when you go to a website and it takes a minute to load. Issue here is that your mobile data also gets eaten in this process so both parties lose. Owner loses a customer. Customer loses an interest.
Websites that take long to load have vast amount of either large images, un-optimized scripts, a lot of un-used styling or all three combined. When you want to create a new website pay attention to what you are building it for.
Some times in a rare situation is could also be if website isn’t using CDN therefore content from the website is being delivered to you from across the ocean in which case it might take a second to establish connection and retrieve those files however; not that long.
It’s not always worthy to optimize your website. Reality is some times it costs more to optimize it than to create a new website.
I have seen businesses paying external agencies to speed up their website when it’s really cat in a bag scenario.
Read this three times out loud: S#IT WILL BE S#IT REGARDLESS HOW YOU COLOR IT.
You can pay fortune, if your website is rotten in core, you’re just painting over but core issue remains. Some times it’s worthy cutting your loses and move on to create a new website.
Oh by the way, these are our stats:

If your website is slow it’s hurting your business, there is a vital question to ask yourself:
Ask yourself: Do I keep wasting money by working on something which has been wrongly built from the start or should I hire someone that knows how the healthy foundation is being built.
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This package was tailored towards small business owners.
Challenge #3 You have traffic but it’s worth a bit fat $0.
Imagine this scenario:
You’ve stepped into a store, you grab one pair of shoes, dang $420 bucks.
You grabbed another pair of shoes $370!
At one point you just touch all the shoes and leave the store.
Your are one out of 100 customers that do that same thing on a daily basis.
Clerk at the store at one point will wonder how do I make these customers buy a pair of shoes?
There’s a saying: “If I ask I will know”.
Ask your customers what is it that they like?
We’re all alike, we buy similar products, we strive for similar things; therefore; answer from one means answer to a broad of them.
Once you set the parameter it’s the price or the design then you have an area for additional questions and you get back valuable research on how to setup your store so people would buy something.
When we transform the story to fit your business, it’s not that different.
Users browse your website but out of a 500 visitors you acquired a big fat $0 in either revenue or leads. It’s worthy questioning why?
Random Idea: Post a popup or a banner on your website with a question: “What prevents you from buying?” – Answer and get %20 off all inventory.
If you receive a lot of purchases, you can suspect it was the price. In any case all those answers you got will be valuable research to see how to modify your website for more engagement of any kind.
Here’s a question to ask yourself:
Ask yourself: I’m planning to release a new product but I’m not sure will people buy it, what should I do?
Challenge #4 Your branding and websites are two different stories.
This is actually a pretty common challenge.
At one it usually happens when you hire yourself to create a new website and branding or outsource the work without providing proper explanations or having strict desires what are you aiming to receive. Don’t worry, sometimes it could be the later; contractor not fulfilling your wishes.
In most cases development starts after branding has been made as branding sets the tone for everything to follow.
For websites that look and work like c#ap, you don’t need need to worry, either or both getting improved will not spice it up, you need both at the same time.
Cities weren’t built overnight nor will you create a new website without proper strategy and continuous care. You should not create a new website just to have it, use Social Media DMs in that case as it’s free for you and your users.
Once you’re ready to take your online image serious at that point and only then you should hire an agency or a freelancer to create a new website for you and take care of your branding identity.
Our honest recommendation is always if possible use an agency which can resolve all concerns in one place, under one roof. For that reason I built Maypact, our story you can read here, it’s a bit of a sales pitch as well but it’ll help you understand our mission better.
Do not fall over rocks thinking you have enough funds soon as you have any funds, digitalization is an expensive game, whether you choose agency or freelancers you should expect a significant cost if you wish quality to be present.
Challenge #5 You have no control over your website.
It’s pretty common to create a new website with no proper instructions on how to navigate it, never the less if something goes wrong, how to fix it.
All agencies and freelancers should include functional documentation into their services when they create a new website, documenting website’s process is a tiring game, however; a needed one in order to avoid headaches later on both sides.
Before you start any journey, think and think deeply how do you want to create a new website. What aspect would you like to edit. Depending on your wishes you will know an average budget you would need but also what kind of a software should be used.
Here’s a list of basic things which you should be able to do ( by yourself ):
When I say basic, for a website owner like yourself this should be a set of required features so you can create content on the go. This extremely varies whether the website was build using page builders, custom-coded or other.
Regardless of the tools used to create a new website you should be supplied with proper documentation in order for you to know how to build at least basic pages and blog posts.
Knowing how to set user permissions when you create a new website is always needed in case you hire a content writer, search engine optimization expert or other.
We offer contract revisions before you give a green light to anyone to create a new website for you absolutely for free as well as website audit in case you have one already.
Documentation which includes domain control, hosting and other may be required, however; doesn’t need to be strictly used by you at all times or be utilized unless absolutely necessary in case of partnership being closed.
Here’s a question to ask yourself:
Ask yourself:
If I lose people that worked on my website, can my website survive and therefore my business?
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Challenge #6 Poor website navigation
Navigation is extremely important on the website.
How my agency works is simple. Wherever you are, you need to have an option to one: go back home or navigate you further.
I’ve seen a lot of forums, websites, platforms name it where you get lost cruising the website, you lose the idea why you came in the first place.
Each website should be A – Z. Your website servers a purpose.
You either sell or you inform.
If you sell your flow should be like this:
- Home > Product > Cart > Checkout > Thank you page
If you inform, your flow should be like this:
- Home > Blog Post > Lead Form > Lead Acquired
Obviously, flows differ depending on the industry but the point remains, either you make revenue from it or you make leads.
If you have a website whose making no revenue or leads, that website can be destroyed and no one will be dumber.
Always aim to have a strategy what are you looking to do with a website before you even contact people to build it.
Make a plan how you’ll either gather leads, sell products or both at the same time. If you are not gathering leads or selling, you DO NOT NEED A WEBSITE, you need Social Media.
I can not highlight this more, for free you can use Social Media. Okay, I gotta gatekeep this. If you’re looking to start your business with a tight budget, no less than £3.000, we can help you.
If you have less than £3.000, schedule a session with me for £250 and I will explain the entire process and exactly what do you need to do in order to gather £3.000 to be able to work with my agency and build more layers to your business.
Do not be afraid, my agency also works with individuals who do not have a registered company yet.
Extra Choose 2 out of 3
On one occasion I’ve learned a useful question to ask all my clients.
You have 3 options:
- Delivery Time
- Quality
- Cost
Choose 2 out of 3 to work in your favor.
If you choose Delivery time and Cost, Quality will be same or worse that you have now.
If you choose Quality and Cost, Delivery Time will not be instant.
If you choose Delivery Time and Quality, Cost will be premium.
You need to make a decision do you need a website to be pretty and extremely functional or next level design but functionality mediocre as you will not be able to acquire such a project for less than £30.000 on average.
Believe I left enough call to action forms on this post, therefore; if you wish to get in touch with me, scroll a bit up and leave me your email, I’ll get back to you within a day or an hour.
Business owners make a mistake where they go for a flashy website which in reality doesn’t bring any revenue, cause it’s to advanced for users to navigate.