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Why should you start appointment business in 2024

Illustration of Appointment business made for the purpose of providing better visuals at MAYPACT
How to create appointment business – Vision

We wake up daily with a lot of questions. We go to bed daily with a lot of questions. Each day we wonder why do we do what we do, why do we need the things we strive for. So question is, how to create your online booking website?

You see, at Maypact I truly strive to make our business as transparent as possible, not only so our clients would exactly know how they are achieving their dreams by working with us but also for myself to understand is my approach towards business and my clients as best as it can be.

While I was building Maypact online booking solution, I thought about our partners. I talked with them. I’ve done some internal analysis and made a valid point that businesses use pre-made solutions which they pay monthly for, mainly cause they do not have a clue how to start their own.

Before proceeding, ask yourself this:

Question to ask myself

Is it worthy for me to compete with thousands and thousands of other businesses?

Let’s roll a scenario out

Imagine a moment in your day when you had a brilliant idea but due to inability to write it down in the very moment you lost it forever.

That idea maybe went as: “Online booking website where people can book any service that I offer from any place; at any time they want”.

Okay. Let’s talk about that idea.

When you google for softwares which you can use to give you a booking solution immediately with minimal setup it’ll be $50 or so per month up to couple hundreds if you’d like unlimited booking appointments.

You’re business is located on You’ve connected Stripe. You’ve added your staff and employees. You’ve added your logo. Your pre-defined booking website is now done.

All that sounds pretty darn amazing for $50, right?

Illustration of Appointment Business Pricing made for the purpose of providing better visuals at MAYPACT

Feel free to click on the image to expand it. While at the first glance this seems super brilliant.

Any and all websites which are created by any and all subscription based appointment softwares are mediocre at best. Let me explain why.

What is Bunny in a bag situation?

Maybe it’ll be better if I present the following in a list:

  • You rent a fraction of a space on someone’s platform. *Works only if you pay;
  • You gotta trust how they’ve setup their search engine optimisation. *Basic setup most of the time, as you are 1000000th business well more so a user;
  • You have basic customization options. *87% of booking platforms have pretty firm and fixed looks. Therefore your business looks alike 95% of other businesses.
  • You have to pay more and more if you’d like more basic options. *100% of Booking platforms work by package system. Which leads to paying more and more for same basic set of features you should have from the beginning.
  • You don’t have an option to modify anything! *You rent a space. You don’t get to play the boss.

Above said is only a fraction of what I feel you’re being shortsighted on. You’re being used voluntarily as a piece of someone’s puzzle.

You push their traffic.

You promote their services meanwhile what do you get? A piece of the smallest cake ever?

I dislike or more-so stand behind not needing to opinionate someone’s system in order to push your own. At the same time I’m feeling the urge for businesses to understand how they are knee-caping their potential by accepting bunny in a bag scenario.

If you would like to discuss how can we help your business tranform online, please leave an email below. Leave an email by 5 PM and I’ll get back to you within an hour.
Interest Form
Event Management & Appointment Website by Maypact
Platform Infrastructure

Supported by Google and Amazon, your infrastructure can not get much better than this. Web Application Firewall, daily backups, IPv6, auto scaling technology and the list goes on and on…


We do not outsource cheap labor support agents, all our support is done with using our team, in-house. Email and Whatsapp.


Maypact is very flexible on your desires; at the end it’s your business and you should have a qualified partner to help you run it and help out in various ways not limit you in any.


There’s a lot of talk on security. Whole infrastructure is dedicated for you. Resources. WAF. CGI. Cashing. We do not bunk 50 websites on a light server.

Why appointment website?

I’ve done my due diligence. I know how many businesses are depending on some platform to make their business visible. I stand behind my statement that “No business ever should be depending on another’s success”.

You have to build a maintainable network. You must not depend on anyone. Your vision needs to have the ability to expand in any direction you want; not be limited by someone’s design, functions or else.

My vision is to build a wide range of infrastructural websites which will help you scale from nothing to something. Without limits. Without excuses. With commitment and companionship. Together.

If you would like to discuss how can we help your business transform online, please leave an email below. Leave an email by 5 PM and I’ll get back to you within an hour.
Interest Form
All leads down to the right price, right?

I know having a business is expensive. I also do know that sometimes what people call risk is actually an investment.

I made sure funds that our clients invest into having their own systems will benefit them a great deal with mutual companionship. If you were to put that into numbers. Just one of my clients made €150.000 this year alone using my E-Learning website and gained over 11.000 new members using my Community website.

I’m not playing cat and mouse game. Truth to be told, I actually cheery-pick businesses to work with as I’m looking for clients to grow with them through different website tiers which will guarantee my client a well rounded revenue system of 4+ different streams.


I’m proud of you reaching this part. Well done! I’m soo excited of your becoming what you dreamt of last night. Good times are expecting those who work for it; thankfully in your case you got me and my team. Maypact nurtures winners and winners conquer the later.

If you’re still not sure Maypact is the right choice for you, not a problem, click the button below to see some premier WordPress hosting.

Trust in Maypact.

Stefan Stax
Stefan Stax
Articles: 4